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Link Building Services by SEO Specialist

In order to position your website as an authority site, you must first link yours to other authority sites. There are a number of reasons as to why you would do this, such as having them send some targetedtraffic your way. By getting linked to other authority websites in your niche, the search engines consider you a useful resource, hence giving your site more relevance and higher rankings.

Many ill-informed people today will tell you that link building is dead. Unfortunately, this is not the case. They are simply lost on the best ways to link their sites to other sites. Previously, people used to send links to other websites using software that would just spam. The search engines have become more advanced and they can be able to detect spammy links from genuine links.

Today, you need to have a carefully planned out link-building strategy in order to harvest the benefits of the same. This link building campaign should integrate social media, authority sites in your niche, article directories and web 2.0 properties among others. It should be as natural as it can get so that the search engines value the links that point back to your site.

Social Media

Most social media networks are highly ranked on the search engines. When you post your website articles on the social media networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube, among others, they point back to your website. This creates some powerful authority links back to your web based business. If such links go viral, you enjoy even more authority. You should, therefore, work to continuously update your social network profiles with posts from your website.

Authority Sites in Your Niche

Linking to other sites within your niche that are deemed authoritative also makes your website authoritative. Both the search engines and the human visitors who see your site being recommended from another site that they deem authoritative will consider you an authority in your niche. They will see you as the go-to person in that niche and as a result, will buy from you.

Web 2.0

When planning your back-linking campaign, you should include some of the web 2.0 sites like hub pages, blogging platforms, and some article directories. These help boost your link quantity and variety. You, therefore, get a more balanced back-linking campaign for your website.

Overall, if you want to achieve a highly successful back-linking campaign, talk to Shajee Fareedi  and i will help you plan and implement the best one for your business.